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02 Feb 2025 @ 6:51pm

Lieutenant JG Zhivise Silatuyok

Name Zhivise Silatuyok

Position Helm Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 23

Physical Appearance

Height 5'1" (155 cm)
Weight 125 lbs (56 kg)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Zhivise was of average height and weight, slender, with cute freckles on her cheeks, especially a glump of freckles in her dimples. Both arms were essentially full sleeves of cultural tattoos, along with one right in the middle of her upper back and neck and two on her collarbone.


Father Adolphus Murtry
Mother Shahni Annakpok
Other Family Nathan Murtry (Paternal Grandfather)
Kewanee Akna (Mother Goddess) (Human-Paternal Grandmother)

Huvraxa Dro (Maternal Grandfather)
Marte (Maternal Grandmother)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Zhivise is not necessarily outgoing; if she does socialize, her social battery does not have a large charge. Family is everything to Zhivsie; she quickly learned that to be whole, you needed a family, whether that family was blood or one that you create. She was able to do that a little bit over the four years of Academy life, but she had to start all over again after graduation, seeing as all the new-minted officers were scattered throughout Starfleet.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Resilience & Perseverance: Her whole family consists mainly of horses, but they are ranchers and can have some sheep and goats. And if anyone knows anything about farming or ranching, they know it is hard work,

+ Respect for nature: Zhivise parents always taught her to respect nature, and that includes space, just like water must always be treated with respect

+/- Direction: Zhivise knew how to do spacial vectors in her head, but when it came to navigating streets and corridors, she was utterly hopeless

-/+ Naiveness: Zhivise could be a bit naive when it comes to certain topics, usually feeling that a "one-size fits" approach should always work when, in reality, that doesn't work

- Being sociable, Zhivise was no good with small talk or just walking up to someone and saying hello and starting up a conversation, she had been working on that with the counselors at the academy
Ambitions Hopefully, teach flying at the academy, go back to test pilot, or maybe even enter shuttle racing
Hobbies & Interests Learning about propulsion systems


Personal History When Zhivise was born, her parents, well, her mother, didn't give her a last name, as for her culture, the last name would come to them.

From a very young age, Zhivise was captivated by her father's role as a helm officer and his tales of piloting various ships. As she grew older, she expanded to include the different types of engines, but her primary passion remained flying.

And, well, one came quickly on her eighth birthday Silatuyok, which meant Cute/intelligent in her mother's native tongue.


After finishing primary school, Zhivise wanted to follow in her father's footsteps, so she applied to Starfleet Academy when she turned 18. Thanks to her father, she excelled at engineering and helm courses.

After graduation, she was stationed at Utopia Planetia Shipyards as a test pilot, mainly for auxiliary craft, until she got some more experience and started piloting larger and larger craft.

After a full year at Utopia, Zhivise was then transferred to the USS Odin as a helm officer.
Service Record Starfleet Academy
Utopia Planetia Shipyards
USS Odin

Writer & Character Awards

Writer Awards
Character Awards