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Chance Encounter

Posted on 24 Jan 2022 @ 7:57am by Lieutenant Commander Cintia Sha'mer & Lieutenant Callisi Veera

911 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Home
Location: Tactical Offices

The resident rabbitess stepped with purpose through the halls of the Odin, a PaDD held under her arm close as she moved from station to station, lift to lift. This ship was so big, almost needlessly so, but she has long since learned to cope with the scale. Upon reaching her destination, the doors opened as the ship recognized her as a valid crewmate.... and there was no alert status going.

She turned to the administrative assistant, or truly the first to recognize her unmistakable presence. "I'm looking for the officer in charge, please." a pause, "My name I Callisi Veera, I'm the operations officer on board, and I wanted to go over some programming updates and talk about their potential impact to various departments."

"Ah, yes." Sha'mer looked up from where she sat, all but buried behind a mountain of PADDs. She waved, in case the Lieutenant didn't see her. "Hang on, let me make some space." She picked up two of the piles and put them on the floor. "This looks more impressive than it is," she added in what was half a mutter. "Just did a visual inspection of all the weapon systems and there's the analytical and tactical material of the new mission to go over and personnel files and…" She ran one hand through her short hair. "Anyway, hi. Cin Sha'mer, chief tactical, brand new here, nice to meet you." She attempted a smile.

Her attempt at a smile was met with a genuine, albeit a soft smile from Callisi, "Explains why you're not a familiar face. Welcome aboard." her living eye moved to count the pips, "... Ma'am." she added after noticing someone was outnumbered pip wise.

"I can certainly sympathize with the need to visually inspect, and with orders and materials changing almost on the moment. I served my Three, so I know all about the dread in the pit of your stomach when the comm rings right before you start an op." she offered, handing over the single PaDD she was carrying. "The manifest looks impressive, but it's mostly a software rollout and mass update. Apparently, we missed a LOT of these during our time out." cryptic to the end. "The entirety of the update should take less than twelve hours, during which time there may be a few issues on user ends. Maybe a search might take a little longer, or maybe a file will read as not found, then immediately show up again on the second try."

"I put the entire ordeal as A Pain In The Fluff, But Necessary."

There was a momentary wince on Sha'mers' face when she was once again addressed as 'ma'am', a problem which occurred more and more now that she had the extra half-pip. She didn't feel like correcting Callisti right now, not when there were so many other things to talk about. Maybe later. No, definitely later. "Better now than when we're in the thick of things," she said. "With 'time-out', you are referring to the time the USS Odin spent in the Mirror Universe?"

Callisi noticed the wince, but attributed it to pain or discomfort. "Indeed. With new transfers and new faces about, I'm getting very good at dancing around the issue." she noted with a nod, "And there's no better time to do these than now. Honestly twelve hours is an overguess, but I'd rather guess high for the duration of an inconvenience than guess low. No one complains about getting their full access back sooner than expected." a smirk. "Feel free to keep the PaDD, I have dozens, all copies. Plus I think it'd feel more at home here with all the company." a smirk continued as she cast her cyclopean glance at the other PaDDs.

"It was very nice to get the chance to meet a new face. I look forward to working with you in the future."

Sensitive topic. Got it. Sha'mer knew all about sensitive topics, even more so these days. "I do not envy you your work. Best of luck. And I look forward to working with you, too. If there's anything I can do to lighten the load, let me know."

A smirk, "Not use the computer for twelve hours?" she said in full jest. "I think we'll be alright, if you experience any serious slowdown, or need access to files immediately let me know. And if, by some reason, we come under attack I'll pause the update at the soonest safest point."

"And while we wait until that safest point is reached, I'll open a window and hurl insults at our attackers," Sha'mer replied, and the grin this time was genuine, albeit brief.

A soft smile in return, "I know four ways to insult someone's breeding pool, if it helps." she offered with a giggle, "Well, that's out of way, I think I'll be heading out now, unless there's anything you need of me, now that you've met me and know what I do?"

"Not at the moment. Though at some point in the near future we ought to sit down and compare insults. I speak a good few languages and know how to curse fluently in several others." Though quite a few of those languages weren't spoken in any nearby regions whatsoever. Not that that mattered. There was one thing to be said for her native tongue, it made for a great language to curse in. "Until then, good luck running your updates."


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