Now what
Posted on 25 Dec 2021 @ 8:10am by Lieutenant Commander Cintia Sha'mer & Commander Indi Hawk
1,374 words; about a 7 minute read
Location: Chief Security Office, USS Odin
The walk to Indi's office was uneventful. Outwardly anyway. She knew well enough to reduce her speed in order to let the other woman keep up with her, but she also kept the pace brisk enough in order to make sure that most of the Tactical Officer's focus would be going to walking and not to the encounter that had just happened. In any case, she made sure that she remained that half a step ahead so they never had to look each other in the eyes.
At last, they entered her office and after a detour to the replicator to get a coke and raktajino--chastising herself a moment too late that Cin could've just put those in front of them-- she put them down in front of the right person and sat down at her desk. Making sure there was at least that desk between them.
Sha'mers eyebrows twitched as she heard the commander order the drinks. "Raktajino, extra strong, extra sweet." It had come out fluently, without a second thought. Just how well did commander Hawk know her alternate self? Well enough to know her favourite drink, at least. It also made her wonder what the Sha'mer in the Mirror Universe would be like.
"Thank you," she said somewhat subdued and sat down in the chair on the other side of the desk. Now that she was here, she was at a loss how to go on. So, for once, she did the smart thing and kept her mouth.
On her side of the desk, stars it was a good thing there was a desk between them, Indi was struggling with the same problem. There was no good way forward here. That woman, appearing young and in her thirties, wasn't her wife. She didn't even know her. Indi hadn't even considering looking for this universe's version of her. She'd never cared much about the crossovers because they were ultimately irrelevant. Until now. The relevance sat on the other side of the desk, quietly sipping her raktajino.
Alright. Sha'mer was acutely aware that time was passing. She needed to get her stuff back to her quarters – she needed to find out where her quarters exactly were, come to think of it. Then she'd have to get acquainted with her staff, and report in, all the paperwork which came with a transfer. Instead, she sat here in a very uncomfortable silence with someone she didn't know at all. "You said you knew… ah… my counterpart?" she said at last.
Time was running out for Indi do decide with this situation. Treat her as a colleague? Yeah, right. Treat her as a wife? Yeah, even more right. Treat her as thin air? Maybe. Though probably not all that professional. She found her mind reaching out again, only to find.. nothing. Her jaw visibly set as she finally reached the inevitable conclusion. "I did. I do. But I realize that she was nor you nor is here yourself. I'm sorry if it took me a while to figure that out. Please, you should check in with the XO and get yourself squared away. New mission orders should be arriving soon."
Yet there had been that brief touch of Hawk's mind against hers. Now that she had some more time to think – time she didn't have as she struggled to keep up with the commander on the way to her office – she realised what it reminded her of. There was one way how telepaths and non-telepaths could form a link like this. She knew it in theory, from the few lectures on ESP phenomena on the Academy. A bond. Something which occurred between two people when they were very close. Like… "You were married?" And this time it was Sha'mer who realised, a heartbeat too late, that she had said the words aloud.
Damn and blast! This time she actually did press one hand against her mouth. "Sorrysorrysorry." The words came out muffled. "I had no right to ask. I'm just… I'm sorry."
So, her mind had reached something. Just so alien and unfamiliar that Indi hadn't recognized it. This wasn't 'her' Cintia. The more she looked at the woman, the way she behaved, the way her mind didn't make a connection, the more Indi was convinced this wasn't meant to be how it once had been. "Yes, she and I are married," she spoke. Her voice clipped, her shields raising up to levels her own wife usually knew to respect.
"And she's not here." That was the obvious conclusion, otherwise the commander's mind wouldn't have been casting around, searching for that which wasn't there. "That must be hard." What else could she say but more empty apologies? Apologise for what, being the wrong Sha'mer? "If you think it will make it difficult for us to work together, it's not too late for me to request a transfer." It wasn't as if she had already settled in or anything. Better do it now and make it quick and, hah, painless.
Indi actually considered it for a moment. For a brief moment. Then, she came to the only conclusion she could arrive at. "No. The workings of the universe aren't your fault. Or mine. We have to deal with the cards we're dealt. We'll figure it out. I will figure it out. Meanwhile," she paused, taking a drink of her coke and considering if she really wanted to say the next words outloud. Guess she did. "Meanwhile, I've got some experience helping a Vo'Sh'un function in a world that isn't quite ready for them. I can.. help you, if you ever feel like you need it."
Hah. That was something she hadn't even realised. Indi was the only person she'd ever met who knew not just who, but what she was, and what she could and couldn't do. She also wondered, fleetingly, what the Vo'Sh'un in the Mirror Universe were like. She didn't know much about the place, only the rumours which were going around. By all those accounts, the MU was a harsher place than the universe they were in here, more brutal. And even in this universe the Vo'Sh'un were known for being aggressive and territorial under the strict rule of Emperor Go'larn. There was a reason why Sha'mer had left the place behind and never looked back. Actually there had been several, and each would've been sufficient on its own.
"Thank you." The words sounded trite, a hollow phrase, but the intention was sincere. "I really appreciate it."
The Chief of Security had hardly heard the placeholder response. Her mind had dwelled to something she hadn't thought of a in a long. What had this Sha'mer seen in the past? Had her experiences been remotely like her wife? Had Indi's counterpart been any way like her, a cruel young Black Ops woman in her early days, causing devastating effects on the woman she'd eventually marry? Would she have to deal with all of that again? Her Sha'mer had come to terms with it after many, many happenings that had driven both the brink of sanity and beyond at times. What about this one? What demons lie in this one's past? How had she been involved? An anger and a sadness descended upon her. "You're welcome," she croaked at last, acknowledging the placeholder.
They were both filled with too many thoughts and memories, Sha'mer realised. She wondered if she and the commander would ever find a way to establish any kind of relationship – professional, let alone cordial – without the ghost of another Sha'mer standing between them. It was a hell of a way to start a new assignment.
"I'll take my leave then, commander." Let's aim for professional. That was the only thing she could do, when everything was said and done. She rose, for once without a stumble. If nothing else, her leg was grateful for the rest. Well, she'd take the minor victories wherever she could find them. She sent the empty raktajino cup back to the replicator with an absent-minded wave of her hand and gave the commander a polite nod. "Have a good day."
Cmdr. Indi Hawk,
Chief Security,
USS Odin
LtCmdr. Cin Sha'mer
Chief Tactical,
USS Odin