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They're cute! Honest!

Posted on 02 Apr 2021 @ 2:34pm by Commander Kristiana Petrova & Lieutenant Callisi Veera

1,908 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Home

The journey to Earth was uneventful, just a few hours at warp. Soon enough they arrived and landed, though not near the farm - their actual destination - but on the outskirts of a small town. "The farm is about a twenty minute walk from here, but I figured we'd stop by Vengerovka itself first," Kris commented. "Get some supplies. Also, visit the petting zoo - if it's still there."

Callisi took a moment to gather herself, before she stepped foot on the new world. She muttered something to herself as her large feet touched alien soil for the first time. Eye closed, deep breath, and then she paused for that moment before she exhaled and returned to something closer to the here and now. "The explorer's oath. It's... tradition of a sort. The first child of Ts'usu to step onto a world, does so with the hopes and dreams of us all. It... it doesn't translate well but roughly it says from my foot, comes the feet of us all, I take this breath, so we all take in the moment. I am here, and here is... you know, now that I'm saying it out loud it sounds more like a conquest than an exploration." she paused and reconsidered. "So, I'm not here to conquer your world." she apologized with a smirk.

"But, all of Ts'usu walks with me. It probably meant more on the moon." she let the moment clear up, "So, a petting zoo. I know what those words mean apart... so I figure a petting zoo doesn't have dangerous exhibits."

Kris waited patiently as Callisi did her ritual and watched, smiling. She'd come to expect semi ritualistic profundities from Ts'usugi, by now. "You'd never been on Earth before? Even during your study years before graduating?" Entirely likely of course, the Academy in San Fran was just one of many in the Federation, there were droves of officers who'd graduated and never set a foot on Earth.

"No, no dangerous exhibits. A petting zoo is essentially a place where more docile and friendly animals, farm animals and the like, are kept. It's open to the public and you're allowed to interact with the animals. It's a zoo for children basically, but I'd rather think that anyone of any age is the right age to enjoy some calming animal presence, commune with nature," Kris explained. "Though walled in nature as it is. I used to love to come here when I still lived on Earth," she added.

"No, never. With Ts'usu's reluctance to simply announce its presence and exact exolocation to the universe, the various scheduling commissions and guidance counselors seemed... equally reluctant to ship me off to their homeworld. Not that I can blame them." Callisi offered, comfortable in that a lack of trust sent her off to other, possibly less prestigious locations.

"As for this zoo of sorts, now you have my interest. I hope it's still there."

The two of them gathered a few glances as they walked towards the town proper, though whether it was for Callisi's ears or eyepatch, they couldn't tell. The ears seemed a more likely suspect though. "Well, on behalf of the human race, let me be the first to say, welcome to Earth. It's not a flawless planet, but it's mine and I'm rather fond of it," Kris smiled, her mood seemingly increasing the closer to her childhood they got.

"We're taught that things are beautiful because of their flaws. Though, in practice I.." she paused, and cleared her throat, "On behalf of Ts'usu, her emperor, and her people, I accept your kind welcome." she recited with a smirk, "It's a lovely planet you have here. Air, water, gravity." she gave a short hop, as though it were suddenly in question. Callisi enjoyed these moments, where she could relax and be a reasonable facsimile of herself.

These moments were nice.

To the townsfolk proper, Callisi offered them a wave in greeting and a nod. Seemed the human thing to do.

Some nods and waves were answered in kind, some of those even with a smile. Some weren't, just people pretending they didn't see Callisi. On the whole though, the people seemed friendly and accepting. The vast majority were humans of course, with a Vulcan, Bajoran, Betazoid or a Bolian thrown in here and there. It was still the Human home world after all. Soon enough they reached their destination, and by Kris' quiet exclamation of 'yay it's there' and the fact that the sign said 'Vengerovka Petting Zoo' in Federation standard underneath what logically could be assumed to be the same thing but in Cyrillic writing, the small petting zoo was still there.

"My oh my, Kristiana Petrova, is that really you?" A jovial old man at the counter exclaimed as the two approached. "It's been years! It's good to see you. Come in, come in, no charge - nor for your friend, of course," he smiled broadly, waving the two women inside. "Andrzej, it's been years indeed, how've you been?" Asked Kris. "Oh, can't complain, can't complain."

"Thank you. Your generosity is appreciated. a nod from the rabbitess, and she followed Kris in. The pair had a history, that much was certain. The elder knew Kris. From her time before, or simply a friend of the family? That much was uncertain. She'd remain quiet though, as the pair caught up. This was their time.

The inside of the petting zoo was pleasant enough, if you liked animals. But then, that's what people came here for. Little, short, small, young people. So many of them. Going this way and that, excited, having a great time. And not being quiet about it - something that Kris only too late remembered. "Should've warned you about the noise, sorry," she offered with an apologetic smile.

As for the animals, there were many pens. Some outdoors, some indoors. Strange, terrestrial creatures, not too big, not too small, and all docile and friendly. Some rotund and with seemingly no neck, white wooly fur - sheep. Some a bit lankier with shorter fur and horns, yet still calm and easy going. Goats. Pigs there were. Ponies. A few pygmy horses. Ducks roamed freely, chickens in a coop. Kristiana let Callisi set the pace. They'd stop at every pen to interact with the animals. Pet them, if wanted. Though it seemed the Ts'usugi woman herself was a bit of an attraction as well, to the kids at least. The parents hid it a bit better.

It was a bit to process, but Callisi seemed to weather it well. The sights, the sounds, the smells. "It's alright." the Daughter of Ts'usu forgave Kris. Nothing truly to forgive for an outdoors place to be loud. Her ears twitch at the cacophony, but she endured. Its what you do for the... little people... smaller people... CHILDREN. That's the word, children.

At every pen, Callisi would kneel down to be at the animal's level, say the most adorable little phrases to them, and pet them if they were so inclined. The children seemed to enjoy her presence, and some parents had to remind their kids that the rabbitess was a guest, not part of the zoo. No petting.

Kristiana was right there with her, she'd missed this place. The sights. The smells. The sounds. It reminded her of simpler times. Soon enough though the two made their way to one of the indoor spaces, with a large rabbit pen. There was a minder, someone who worked at the petting zoo, to curate the animals and provide a watchful eye over guest interaction. These were smaller animals, more vulnerable than most of the ones outside, and thus more care needed to be taken when interacting them. Though under supervision a guest could hold one in their lap to pet if they were so inclined.

The types of rabbits were plenty as well. There were European rabbits, American Lops, Netherland Dwarfs, Flemish Giant rabbits and the ever popular, highly fluffy Angora rabbits.

Callisi knelt down to investigate the oddity of these creatures. Little noses, long ears, fluff, big feet, tail puffs. "And... these are rabbits, yes?" she asked, confirming. "I do see a slight resemblance." she offered, knowing it was inevitable. "Tell me about them?" she asked, rising up slowly so as to not startle them. Moving careful seems to be a lesson she learned back around the sheep.

"I'm no biologist but I'll try," Kris mused, reaching down to carefully pick up a white Angora, sitting down on a chair with the rabbit held firmly against her chest, gently petting it. "Rabbits are obligate herbivores, they eat grasses, vegetables, sometimes fruit if I recall. The archetypal rabbit foods are lettuce and carrots. They're prey species, and properly prepared are eaten by humans too. Let's see, they're known for prodigious reproductive rates, to the extent they popular saying is 'breed like rabbits'. They're a popular pet because domesticated they easy to keep, easy going, friendly and docile."

"Well, I never heard of a failed colony this far out, so I guess it's just a universal coincidence." Callisi said, leaning in to give the Angora a good glance and maybe a scritch behind the ears. "Though, they're very adorable, and so diverse." she said with a soft smile. "So, sorry, no long lost connection. As much connection as there is between humanity and the Bajorans." she offered. Superficial similarities aside.

She went to the handler, to ask how to properly handle and sooth one of the lops. Soon enough, the Daughter of Ts'usu was holding her own lop. Sitting down on a chair and just cradling the rabbit. It looked so odd, the two together as such. "Very easy going. Very mellow."

"Yeah. Very mellow," Kris mused, seeming to lose herself in thoughts. Memories, perhaps. After a few moments the Angora started to wriggle, signaling it'd had enough of the pets, bringing Kristiana back to reality, gently putting the rabbit down again. "Didn't think there'd be a relation, but you have to admit, it's interesting how evolution on different worlds takes similar paths. Do you have primates or primate like animals on Ts'usu?"

"Nothing of the sort, though they'd be on the homeworld proper if they were. None of the archeological missions we ever sent home ever found anything like a primate." she paused to gently scritch the rabbit's ears at the base. "Some people assume just because these little creatures resemble us that there's a connection."

"Yeah, well, I'm not some people," Kris smirked, though it seemed a sadness had fallen over her, dark thoughts perhaps. Nostalgia.

"Indeed not." Callisi said, a thankful tone in that simple admission. The Daughter of Ts'usu allowed Kris to get lost in her nostalgia for a few minutes by asking the simple universal query. "Koku for your thoughts?"

Kris took a moment, before shoulders slumped and she looked at Callisi. "I'm about ready to go home now. Face my past."

Callisi gave a nod, "Well, then lets get these two home first." she carefully stood up, and placed the lop back in the pen with the others. "So long, little guy." she said softly, before turning to Kris. "We can return here when we're done. Start and end on a good feeling." she offered.

"Maybe. We don't have all that much time really," Kris mused, starting to head back to the shuttle.


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