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But Is It Really a Valid Point?

Posted on 07 Dec 2019 @ 10:33pm by Lieutenant Talrian Bran & Petty Officer 2nd Class Hunter Kawolski

1,114 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Tyr's Hand
Location: Security Chief's Office
Timeline: MD 2 0900

Talrian took a seat behind his desk while he waited for the young corpsman to enter the office and the door to close behind him.

Kawolski waited on the other side of the desk, remaining standing and resisting the urge to make a point of looking a this chrono. He had duty in Medical and this meeting was making him late for that. Fortunately, he had a good reason, one which would keep him out of trouble there. He hoped. He didn't know the CMO well but he didn't think the doctor and security chief would be buds, covering for each other.

"You are transferred to security," Talrian said, setting a PaDD on the edge of the desk. He noticed the young man still standing and preferred not to say anything regarding it. He wasn't an idiot and he knew that the younger Kawolski wasn't a fan of his. This passive aggressive show of defiance was just...ridiculous. But, Talrian did a mental shrug. In a way he did owe the young man some leeway.

"I'm not a security officer, I'm a corpsman," Hunter said, glancing only briefly at the PaDD on the edge of the desk. "I don't know anything about security."

Talrian leaned back in his chair and just watched the corpsman for several moments. "Yes," he finally said. "And you'll remain a corpsman. I believe that Starfleet refers to this particular program as a combat medic. We just refer to them as FMF corpsman. It amounts to the same thing. You will become an asset that security prioritizes and as such will be training in security procedures and protocol for when you accompany us on away missions. It will keep you from being a liability that needs protecting and an active and equally valuable member of the team."

Kawolski shook his head, trying to understand what he was saying. The only real thing that stood out was 'combat medic' and something to do with joining them on missions. It wasn't much of a secret that he originally wanted to follow Trapper into security and that Trapper had talked him out of that. He choose corpsman as another way of making sure to help protect others in a way. But medical personnel can't be security.

"You'll begin crosstraining immediately, starting with a basic weapons proficiency certification to follow immediately after this meeting. You are expected on the weapons range. We depart at eleven hundred for an fact finding excursion to the station. I suggest you be sure to pass weapons cert by then so that you are also armed." Talrian picked up his PaDD to go over over the reports that came in prior to his arrival in his office. He skipped the most important as he knew it was unfinished.

"Wait, that's it?" Kawolski asked, stiffening. "You just think you can change my orders and status?"

Talrian looked up, wondering why the man was still in his office. "Yes."

"Shouldn't you ask me first?"

"Why?" Talrian asked, once again leaning back in his chair.

"Maybe because I don't want to do this?" Kawolski said, shaking his head at the sheer arrogance.

"Then what would have been the purpose of asking?" Talrian said. "It would only lead to useless conversations, like this one. And I doubt it's something you don't want, I see you took some basic security certifications and your brother's record indicates he is an excellent member of the department. I would think with the capabilities you've already shown that you would be at least moderately successful as well."

"That's not..." Kawolski said, though he was happy to hear that his brother wasn't on this guy's bad side. Yet. But, was there something of a compliment in what the man said? "I wouldn't want to do it because I wouldn't want to work for you."

Talrian almost laughed at that. "I don't see how that matters."

"Funny, I think it matters a lot." Kawolski shook his head. Each time he thought there was some humanity in this...jerk...he showed there wasn't.

"Because you are somehow blessed with the option of choosing your commanding officers?"

"No...I mean, well, no but, I'm-"

"Then your feelings regarding me are irrelevant." Talrian picked up the PaDD again.

"They aren't irrelevant!" Kawolski said, his voice raised. "They're pretty damned important!"

"I still fail to see how they are," Talrian said, reading a report on a minor incident. "Unless it somehow affects your ability to carry out your duties, in which case those failures will be noted in your evaluations."

"I'm not going to do this, I'll file a protest!"

Talrian shrugged. "That's your prerogative," Talrian said, once again setting down the PaDD. "Since I'm the department head it'll have to go to my immediate command. In the absence of an executive officer, that will be the captain. I'm sure she'll be interested to hear that you're turning down an opportunity to advance your skills and career and put you in a much better position. I'm sure she'll be interested to hear how you'd rather remain a glorified orderly in medical instead of the opportunity I'm giving you. In the meantime, and until I'm informed by Captain Thorne that she is overriding my orders, you have your orders. When we return from the station, I'll instruct Warrant Kawolski to prepare a training schedule to bring you up to speed."

"You can't just-"

"I have indulged your insubordination long enough, Petty Officer," Talrian stressed the rank by way of making a point. "I understand that you hold personal ill feelings toward me and still I believe you are better capable of carrying yourself as a member of Starfleet. I have given you orders to carry out, which you will do or I will see you dishonorably discharged and make sure that you remain nothing more than an orderly for the rest of your life. You are free to file your protest with the Captain, and unless she intervenes in the next thirty seconds, you are to report to the weapons range immediately and then report to the shuttle bay for excursion to the Terran Union Station at eleven hundred prepared to carry out any duty assigned to you. Is that clear, Petty Officer Kawolski?"

"Yes, sir," Kawolski spat out, his jaw clenched.

"Dismissed," Talrian said, returning his attention to the PaDD. He looked up again only after the door closed behind the corpsman and let out the sigh. Would the man actually spite himself? Talrian wasn't sure, young Terrans were often...illogically stupid. But Talrian was more than willing to fight Kawolski himself to help him fulfill his potential. But, still...illogically stupid.


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