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26 Oct 2023 @ 7:59pm

Mika Rai'z

Name Mika Rai'z D.Sc.

Position Civilian Medical Specialist, USS Montana

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Ba'ku
Age 401 Terran years

Physical Appearance

Height 6' (1.83 m)
Weight 187 lbs (85 kg)
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Green Hazel
Physical Description

With the appearance of a healthy man in his early to mid-thirties, Mika is medium-light skinned with pink undertones, handsome with a cleft chin (usually covered by light beard stubble), and well-built. He keeps in shape through aerobic exercise and running.


Spouse Never been married.
Children None
Father So'ato
Mother Bimina
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Mika is passionate and dedicated, having a highly developed sense of right and wrong. He is outspoken when it comes to his work, yet he is very private when it comes to most aspects of his personal life and past. He has great concern and empathy towards others and sometimes becomes overwhelmed by the depth of the suffering of others, internalizing much of it. Often insightful, he's a good listener and genuinely cares. He has a great sense of humor, falling easily into it. And has heightened senses and the Ba'ku ability to control his perception of time and share the experience with others.

Despite having developed an incredible mental discipline over the years while living on Ba’ku, Mika does have times of getting easily angered and/or frustrated. He deals with depression off and on.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Empathetic - has heightened intuition and a compassionate nature
+ Heightened senses and often insightful
+ Accurate and careful, he has been noted to have an exceptional focus on his work and an eye for detail. Able to work well under pressure

- Despite having developed an incredible mental discipline over the years while living on Ba'ku, Mika has times of getting easily angered and frustrated.
- He deals with depression off and on.
- Doesn't always deal with opposing opinions well
Hobbies & Interests Mika loves his work, especially when it comes to bioresearch. He also enjoys journaling, gardening, hydroponics, and sculpting. He likes to keep in shape mostly through aerobic exercise and running.


Personal History
Service Record

Writer & Character Awards

Writer Awards
Character Awards