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02 Nov 2024 @ 10:54am

Petty Officer 2nd Class Alizabeth Omari

Name Alizabeth Zuri Omari

Position Yeoman

Rank Petty Officer 2nd Class

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 5’11”
Weight 135
Hair Color Dark brown
Eye Color Gold
Physical Description Natural born curves blend flawlessly with a muscularity that speaks to a devotion to exercise. Golden eyes are highlighted by golden freckled tattoos on her cheeks and a small line at the center of her bottom lash line, all of which stand out perfectly on smooth chocolatey skin. An air of grace and patience surrounds the young woman, as well as the warmth of a quick smile. Naturally curly hair is pulled back into a bun in the back, when not in uniform her hair and ears are adorned with golden baubles.


Father Iridar
Mother Aiela
Brother(s) Orinera, Srecka, Michely and Siran
Sister(s) Chi
Other Family Uncle Tsante
Aunt Lizabette (Alizabeth is named after her mother’s sister)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Calm and easygoing at first glance, but a stubborn iron will is beneath that image.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Calm, good natured, physically fit

Weakness: Stubborn, a hint of youngest child syndrome, not well travelled, serious arachnophobia that really extends to most creepy crawly things
Ambitions To see the universe and stay away from home and the press of her siblings.
Hobbies & Interests Sports, finding quiet places for people watching, reading old science fiction books to see how closely the author’s ideas met the time they lived in now.


Personal History The youngest sibling of six born on a civilian station, Alizabeth did all she could to get away from her family of merchants as fast as possible. Being chosen for the academy she happily accepted before telling any of her family but her favorite aunt. Able to hold her own in fitness, or sports courts, she made a lot of friends easily, but held most of her thoughts to herself, as she is in the habit of guarding them. A struggle to learn was overpowered by an iron will to succeed, her first assignment was on a trade delegation to use her background to an advantage, she is going to try her best to stay far away from merchants when she accepted this one.
Service Record Previous assignment with a trade delegation mission on the USS Hippago

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