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17 Jun 2021 @ 2:57pm

Lieutenant Cole Dering

Name Cole Anthony Dering M.D., M.S.

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 37

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 2" (188 cm)
Weight 172 lbs (78 kgs)
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description ColeDeringsm
Cole is tall, handsome, with a husky and slightly deep voice. He really isn't one for the gym although he occasionally makes an effort. Regardless, he's in good physical shape, mostly by running and sports. He's usually seen in long sleeved v-neck tees and jeans when off duty, sometimes wearing a leather jacket, but often wears sweat shorts and tees when lounging around or studying at home (his and his wife’s quarters).


Spouse Alexandra Elaine Dering
Children None
Father Admiral Jonathan Dering
Mother Patricia Dering, deceased
Brother(s) Brady Dering, age 46, specialized psychiatrist
Sister(s) Anya Dering, half sister age 23, pilot
Other Family Various aunts, uncles, and cousins

Personality & Traits

General Overview Cole2bsm
A flirty charming goofball and an excellent doctor, Cole's a friendly guy who usually makes friends easily. Unfortunately, he doesn't always respect personal boundaries, but that’s usually out of concern, only occasionally for his own amusement.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Loyal and passionate - to his position and to those that he loves
+ Dedicated - there really is no time clock for Cole. He never fully clocks out
when it comes to his job. This is sometimes a weakness.
+ (still need to think of one more)

- Can be annoying, sometimes unwittingly and sometimes on purpose.
- The way he cares about others can sometimes cause him to lose his temper
or be a pest, and sometimes towards someone he really shouldn’t be that
way with.
- Places too high of expectations and pressure on himself.
Ambitions N/A
Hobbies & Interests Plays Guitar, sometimes piano, and has a nice voice.
Loves the old Earth movies, and often expresses movie trivia. Loves to cook. Likes playing in and watching sports. Loves to read comic books.


Personal History Cole was the youngest son of Jonathan and Patricia Dering and grew up mainly in San Francisco, Earth. He has an older brother by nine years named Brady. When Brady was 16, he and their mother were in a hover car accident, where he had been the one driving. Their mother died at the scene, and although the accident wasn’t his fault, Brady ended up with survivors guilt PTSD.

Their father had a hard time handling the boys at first, especially Brady. He had always been the type of man who had a tight rein on his emotions. He didn't know how to deal with a teen going through what Brady was going through, as well as seven year old Cole, who was confused over the loss of his mother. Brady turned to drinking, putting the family through even more hell. Eventually, they got through it all, yet not without scars.

Cole was streetwise and promiscuous, somewhat of a womanizer, in his youth and early adult years. The promiscuity and womanizing started changing during med school, and although he indulged occasionally in casual sex, he became more harmlessly flirtatious instead, preferring friends over having women angry with him.

(much more to come)

Education Record
• Galileo Academy of Science and Technology High School, San Francisco.
• Pre-medical at _____
Service Record •Attended Starfleet Medical, earning a Degree in Medical Doctor. Specialized in surgery, and trauma & emergency procedures.
•Took advantage of the engineering extension courses offered to Medical Academy students.
•Received the rank of Ensign after four years of training.
•Commissioned as a Lieutenant jg upon completion of his two years of specialty training.
•Continued into post-graduate training in microbiology and pharmacology while completing his internship.
• Medical residency at the Vega Colony, in the Vega planetary system.
• Assigned as Chief Surgeon for the USS Solace
• Transferred to the USS Odin as the Assistant Chief Medical Officer
• Promoted to Chief Medical Officer

Major/s (Specialization/s) Surgeon, trauma & emergency procedures, Medical Research, Medical Systems

Writer & Character Awards

Writer Awards
Character Awards