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01 Aug 2020 @ 2:06am

Lieutenant Yam Prat

Name Yam Prat

Position Chief Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Cardassian
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 187
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Standing at 5 feet 11inches tall, Yam has a dominant feel about him. Disciplined from childhood to be prepared for any encounter whether mental or physical, Yam further benefited from the brutal trials of the cadet academy. He possesses toned arms, a narrow torso, a tight waist, short legs, and small feet giving him a diminutive appearance at first glance.
Yam’s bearing is erect and almost haughty despite the disarming grin that flashes on occasion.

Typical of the Cardassian species, Yam has light-gray skin with nearly reptilian coarseness to it. Midnight black hair worn slicked back is his daily hair style choice as it was his father’s and his father’s father. Two thick, vertical neck ridges recede into the back of his head along with an inverted tear-shaped ridge in the center of the forehead. Positioned like a biological visor are ridges of naturally hardened skin as if to protect the eyes and cast menacing shadows upon tightly drawn cheeks. Icy blue eyes sit above a perpetual mischievous grin.


Father Voc Prat
Mother Asho Prat
Brother(s) Makoc Prat
Nurjo Prat
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Although a typically courteous with his peers, Yam tends to enjoy quiet moments alone. In solitary periods, a curiosity of the universe—of the species in it, his included—drive a ravenous thirst for knowledge. Although inheriting his race’s cold ambitious nature, Yam only mildly enjoys the competition of any kind particularly when odds stack unfavorably against him. Rumors of his bouts of manic violence in the cadet academy were quashed only after graduation and the subsequent formation of Starfleet. Amidst the transition, Yam appeared to transform into a nurturing and contributing member to the fleet. While not always honest in his interactions with other species he maintains amicable if not cordial relations with the crew choosing instead to quietly observe and codify those around him but refraining from developing close relationships with others.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

Lip Reading – Raised in a household of intrigue and domination, Yam quickly found that information was an important commodity to collect. As such he quickly developed the ability to furtively read lips to eavesdrop on his family, his fellow cadets, and later members of his crew.


Unforgiving – Though raised to mask emotions and employ machinations with cold rationale, Yam is a failure as a Cardassian in this respect. His vindictive nature easily expresses itself in barely veiled aggression with the threat of physical violence looming against those that have been perceived to wrong him.

Obsessive – When a person or subject captures his interest, Yam can become completely enamored to the point of intrusion and recklessness.
Hobbies & Interests


Personal History The oldest of three boys in a patriarchal estate, Yam was expected to be victorious from birth. His father Voc Prat was proud of their family’s status among the Cardassian regime. Shrewd, ruthless, and calculating Voc never failed to instill the importance of caution and the desire to win. Never spending much time with his mother other than brief instances of public familial solidarity, Yam was bred with the notion that the only acceptable lot in life was to be above others.

He loathed his father and wanted to be like him.
At seventeen, when Starfleet recruits ventured to Cardassia Prime, Yam saw the path from beneath his father’s shadow. Where others of his raise—his brothers who a year and three years his juniors included—balked at the notion of joining the soft-hearted flocks of Starfleet Yam sought them out the day before their departure under the furtive cover of darkness.
After finally coming away from the constant backstabbing of the Union, Yam quickly assimilated into the bizarre disarray that was Starfleet. Though a command hierarchy existed, the boundaries of authority were lax, and most cadets would open boast of their ambition to attain the rank of higher official; one of many weaknesses these united specifies of Starfleet demonstrated. Uncertain as he was, he graduated from the academy with high marks though few officers desired him as a recruit.

Years of what Yam considered menial service across many starships and even a stint at Starfleet command came to end when the post for Tactical Officer aboard the USS Odin under Captain Mallory Thorne. The name had come across reports on more than one occasion and Yam was more than curious enough to take the position if it was offered to him.

If the Odin was where his life of success could truly begin he would willingly accept to fulfill a dream he wasn’t sure was his.
Service Record

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